When is the assignment due?
The FIRE List is the list of activities that we will use during a lesson to explore the topic of that lesson and demonstrate our understanding of it. FIRE stands for the four sections of the list; Focus, Inquire, Reflection, and Extend. At the beginning of each lesson, which lasts about a week, students should open the FIRE List and use it as a guide to help them know what they should be spending class time doing. Each student should work through the assignments in order, at their own pace. This method of learning encourage students to manage their own time and master content before moving on to the next learning activity.
I don't think I can do all those assignments in one week, what do I do?
Do not worry. It is not the expectation that you finish all of the list. The extension assignments at the end represent material that is not required, but helps students dive deeper into topics. As long as you complete the Focus, Inquire and Reflection step by the end, your grade will not be impacted.
I don't think I can finish the reflection step by the end the lesson, what do I do?
We will not be assigning homework in 7th grade science, however, on occasion, you may find it necessary to assign yourself some. If you have been absent, or feel like you are falling behind you might consider doing some of the simpler assignments from home. If this is not enough to help you catch up, you may consider talking to your teacher, who might be able to give you some extended time, or help in some other way.